It was Ied Adha morning, after the pray (about 07.12 o'clock, west Indonesia time). These white flowers grew at my sisters front yard's house in Kampong Manggis, Sambas (West Kalimantan, Indonesia). Her house was on Sambas riparian village that waterfront-oriented, so the flowers grew on the riparian of Sambas River. Today my sister and her husband lives in Pontianak, no longer in that house. Sometimes I miss the moments and also the riparian scene around it.
Oh, look! There was a little spider posed on its petal. Can you see it? I love this photo so much, that's why I put it in the slider. Hope you like this photo too, fellas. Bye!
Picture was taken on 18th November 2010, posted first time on Lensa Khatulistiwa (my old photoblog) at 17th April 2012.